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Jak dbać o ubrania

We’re on a journey to make fashion smarter, giving fashion-lovers the best possible online retail experience and making sure every item of clothing is worn.

27 FEBRUARY 2022
Dążymy do tego, aby uczynić modę mądrzejszą, zapewniając miłośnikom mody jak najlepsze wrażenia ze sprzedaży internetowej i upewniając się, że każdy element garderoby jest noszony. Idąc dalej, postanowiliśmy przekazać więcej informacji na temat naszego kompleksowego planu i odpowiedzialnych wyborów, aby zachować jak największą przejrzystość.
Moda jest jedną z najbardziej zanieczyszczających branż na świecie i niestety 12% produkowanej odzieży nigdy nie zostaje sprzedane.
Nasz cel: Wszystkie ubrania powinny być noszone
Umożliwiamy markom projektantów znalezienie właściciela dla każdego stworzonego przez nich produktu.
W tym poście mamy dla Ciebie 10 prostych wskazówek, jak właściwie dbać o ubrania. Dlaczego to takie ważne?
Mądrzejsze dla Twojej garderoby Pielęgnacja ubrań przedłuża życie Twojej szafy sprawiając, że dłużej pozostaje modna. - Na dłuższą metę zaoszczędzi Ci również czasu!
Około 25% śladu środowiskowego odzieży bierze się z noszenia i prania.
Dzięki naszym sprytnym wskazówkom i sztuczkom możesz zmaksymalizować swoją garderobę i być lepszym dla planety.
1. Noś je częściej, pierz rzadziej
Pierz ubrania tylko w razie potrzeby. Pranie po jednym użyciu często wynika bardziej z przyzwyczajenia niż z higieny. Wiele ubrań wystarczy wywietrzyć, a plamy można często usuwać punktowo. Bądź odpowiedzialny i rzadziej rób prawnie – jest to korzystne dla wszystkich.
2. Niższa temperatura poradzi sobie z plamami
Pralki i detergenty zostały opracowane tak, aby czyścić w niższej temperaturze niż dawniej. Ciepło może rozkładać włókna tekstylne i zużywa więcej energii, więc wybierz chłodniejsze ustawienie i dłużej ciesz się ubraniami.
3. Wypełnij bęben
O ile nie jest to sytuacja awaryjna, pranie pojedynczego elementu garderoby to strata zarówno wody, jak i energii. Poczekaj, aż będziesz mieć wystarczająco dużo prania, aby napełnić pralkę w ¾. Nie przepełniaj pralki, ponieważ zapobiega to spłukiwaniu brudu przez wodę i powoduje, że brania będą mniej czyste.
4. Pomiń suszenie
Tak samo, jak lepiej jest, aby włosy wyschły samodzielnie, tak też lepiej, aby ubrania wyschły na powietrzu! Dzięki temu ubrania są w lepszym stanie i możesz zaoszczędzić czas na prasowaniu, jeśli prawidłowo powiesisz pranie. Użyj wieszaków do koszul i ubrań szytych na miarę elementy, aby upewnić się, że wyschną bez zagięć.
5. Zajmij się plamami, gdy tylko je zauważysz
Jeśli zobaczysz plamę na ubraniu, postaraj się natychmiast nią zająć, jest to łatwiejsze. Zwłaszcza przy naturalnych materiałach, takich jak bawełna, len i wełna, które są bardzo chłonne, co utrudnia usuwanie plam, jeśli brud głęboko wsiąknie.
6. Mroź jeans
Wsadzenie jeansu w torbie do zamrażarki na dzień lub dwa utrzyma jeans w lepszej kondycji oraz zabije bakterie i brzydkie zapachy. Czy znajdzie się miejsce obok lodów?
7. Wywieś koszule, gdy jest słonecznie
Słońce ma naturalne właściwości wybielające, jeśli chodzi o ubrania. Powieś białe ubrania do wyschnięcia na słońc i skorzystać z naturalnego wybielacza.
8. Susz bawełniane ubrania na płasko
Dzianiny uwielbiają płaskie powierzchnie podczas suszenia, pomaga to zachować ich kształt, zwłaszcza w przypadku cięższych ubrań. A więc susz na płasko – najlepiej na ręczniku, aby wchłonął nadmiar wilgoci.
. 9. Prasuj tylko wtedy, gdy musisz
Potrzebujesz innej wymówki, aby wymigać się od prasowania? Suszenie ubrań na wieszaku zamiast w suszarce bębnowej pozwala pominąć koszty energii związane z nagrzaniem i uruchomieniem żelazka. Jeżeli Twoje ubrania są już czyste i suche, powieś je w łazience pod prysznicem. Wilgotne powietrze działa trochę jak parownica, pomagając zmniejszyć zagniecenia.
10. Odśwież umiejętności
Brak guzika lub mały defekt nie oznaczają, że musisz wyrzucić ubrania. Jest to po prostu część naturalnego cyklu życia każdego produktu i można go łatwo naprawić, aby przedłużyć żywotność Twoich ubrań. Pinterest, YouTube lub TikTok to Twoi przyjaciele, którzy oferują przydatne porady na temat majsterkowania. Jeżeli nie czujesz się na siłach, zawsze w pobliżu znajdzie się bardziej wprawiona bliska osoba lub świetny krawiec.
Wszystko, co dobre, musi się skończyć, w tym ubrania. Ale z tymi 10 łatwymi wskazówkami będziesz w stanie cieszyć się ubraniami o wiele dłużej.
Jeżeli potrzebujesz czegoś nowego, odkryj naszą kolekcję.

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Otrium's donations program

“When we started Otrium, we didn’t just want to create a company, we wanted to start a movement. We wanted every item of clothing produced to be worn. One size doesn’t fit all, but donations are part of the solution ” - Milan Daniels, Co-founder and CEO At Otrium, our goal is to ensure all clothing produced is worn. Over 90% of the items available on our platform reach our members. We offer alternative services to unburden fashion brands to repurpose the unsold 10%. Alongside our B2B Marketplace – where we connect our brand partners to local stock buyers – we actively support charities to repurpose the items while serving local communities.How it worksPreviously, Otrium would return unsold items to our brand partners, operating on a consignment basis where brands retain ownership until items find new owners through our platform's data-driven matching. Our donation service operates as an additional facet of our core mission, which involves giving unsold fashion items a renewed purpose. We enable these charities to select items upfront. To ensure that the items we send their way fit with the needs of their community.  Partnerships with charities show us the importance clothing holds.
Otrium continually works towards the  mission that all clothing should be worn. We do this by helping to eliminate unsold inventory and using  technology and data to change the way clothing is created and sold. On our journey towards a smarter, more sustainable fashion industry, we’ve teamed up with Good On You, the leading source of fashion sustainability ratings. We’ve used their know-how to highlight brands on our own platform that go the extra mile to be more sustainable, which helps our customers make more informed shopping choices. Using Good On You’s data, we’ve introduced the Otrium Conscious filter. And now we’re speaking to conscious-rated brands carried by Otrium  to find out more about their approach towards sustainability. This week, we chatted to Eric Otten, CEO of cashmere brand So Good To Wear, who believes that ethical fashion should be the rule instead of the exception. So what does sustainability mean to you? “People have always thought we could  take something inexhaustible from our earth, to drive  mass consumption and economic growth. Unfortunately, the reality is the opposite. Sustainability means that we have to give back more to the earth than we take” Tell us more about your brand. “Cashmere without compromises sums it up. We redesign the production process of cashmere with new and restored values. It’s a more conscious and personal process.” What’s your role… and how did you get there? “As CEO of the company, I have to be a farmer for our Nepalese business and at the same time a fashion specialist for our western business. I bring those two worlds together, always with consideration of our vision and goals.” What’s your career background and when did you start working on creating a positive impact? “I have been in the fashion business for almost my whole career. I worked for private label brands and premium brands like Wolford. After five years, I truly realised there are no limitations for the welfare of our planet and so I joined the sustainable and fair trade brand MYoMY. From there, I moved to  So Good To Wear.” What achievement are you most proud of? “Putting the whole chain theory in practice! From our own cashmere goats to our spinnery, natural dying atelier and production in Nepal to our “slow fashion” models in the retail industry. The whole chain is fairtrade,  animal friendly and committed to rebuilding the economy in Nepal.”What are you working on at the moment? “We are expanding our retail network internationally and expanding  our own cashmere goat herd in Nepal.”What is the biggest challenge on your  roadmap of improvements? “The coordination between high demands in the western world and the limitations of the relatively primitive possibilities in Nepal. Some things take more time to realise in Nepal – time we sometimes don’t have.”What’s the best feedback you’ve ever received from customers? “I have never worn a more comfortable piece of clothing than my So Good To Wear sweater – it’s physical and emotional.”What do customers value most about the brand and products? “It’s high “slow” fashion without compromises, made from the finest quality cashmere, fully fairtrade, sustainable and animal friendly”Who inspires you and why? “Stella McCartney – it became a movement of a luxury fashion brand built on sustainability.” What’s the most important aspect you keep in mind when shopping for more sustainable fashion? “I ask: is the brand really concerned about sustainability or is it a form of “greenwashing”?”Do you have a quote you live by? “Without action, we only have words.” What’s a quick change that people could make in terms of being more sustainable? “Actually, that is very easy! Start changing small and easy things in your life because it all helps: take your bike, not your car, don’t let the water run when you brush your teeth, don’t throw away food, put the light out in rooms you're not in, wash only a full machine and use biological soap, throw waste in a bin, not on the street, don’t eat meat every day and many more things that make more difference than you think, in your head and for nature.”
To celebrate Otrium's 2022 Impact Report, we're shining the light on brands rated Conscious by Good on You. Through our collaboration with Good on You, a leading independent rating organization, we aim to empower our customers to shop responsibly. Good On You assess brands on three key areas, people, planet, and animal welfare. Together we've handpicked CLOSED, a brand that showcases its unwavering commitment to making an impact. Blutsgeschwister's JourneyThrough an interview with Blutsgeschwister's CEO, we explore the heart and soul of the brand, shedding light on its journey towards sustainability, and their vision for a more conscious future. “Tell us a bit more about Blutsgeschwister?” Karin Ziegler, founder, head designer, and managing director co-founded the brand Blutsgeschwister in Stuttgart (Germany) on a sunny Ash Wednesday in the year 2001 with a handful of free spirits and visionaries. Fresh out of her studentship as a women's tailor, her mission was clear: unconventional, everyday wearable, and colorful fashion that brings joy, doesn't follow trends, and is worn with love – genuine favorite pieces, then as well as now. We create feel-good textiles that are highly wearable, matchable and easy to personalize. That’s  what clothing is all about: truly expressing yourself. Not just who you are as a person, but also how you‘re feeling right now. After all, you can only feel comfortable in your own skin and be YOUnique if you don‘t have to pretend. That‘s what our customers love about Blutsgeschwister. Stand up for yourself, and express yourself. Our clothes may have labels, but our customers definitely don‘t. “What is your role at Blutsgeschwister & what achievement are you most proud of? I am the CEO of the company. I have been working for the company for 12 years – it is wonderful  to contribute to seeing the company thrive. What we do is meaningful, makes our customers happy, brings colour to the world and is done in a sustainable and fair way. What job could be better? Since 2022 we are working with 100% sustainable materials, and we continue to have LEADER status at the Fair Wear Foundation. In 2016, we succeeded for the first time in achieving the highest membership status of "Leader", which we are proud to have maintained to this day. This  does not mean we are going to sit back and relax. There is still so much to do and to improve. We  set new goals for ourselves every year to achieve sustainable improvements in working conditions  in our value chain. The membership status of "leader" implies that Blutsgeschwister is recognized as a leading brand within the context of sustainable and ethical fashion. This designation means that we have demonstrated significant commitment and progress in terms of sustainability practices, fair working standards, and overall ethical conduct. It showcases our leadership role and sets us apart as an example for others in the industry to follow. Achieving 100% sustainable garments is a result of a dedicated and ongoing process at Blutsgeschwister. Over the years, we have made significant efforts to improve sustainability practices. This includes assessing and reducing the environmental impact of our productionprocesses, sourcing materials responsibly, and prioritizing ethical practices throughout the supply chain. We focus on choosing materials that are sustainable, such as organic cotton, recycled fabrics, or  other eco-friendly alternatives. Additionally, we value the durability and quality of the materials to  ensure longevity and reduce the need for frequent replacements. “What are you working on at the moment?“ We are working on the ongoing optimization of our production standards – other than that we choose different projects that help us improve further. At the moment we work on a project against gender violence. In India, we have a long-standing factory partner we have supported for years. Training on gender-based violence, on women's rights etc. is vital to help the employees grow. We sustain this process by enabling the factories to train their employees. CO2 neutrality is something that we are also working on. We are constantly switching over to sustainably produced raw materials. All garments are shipped to our customers via carbon-neutral DHL GoGreen. Our packaging materials (polybags) are made of recycled and recyclable polyethylene (LDPE). Our labels are now free of plastic and made from paper sourced from sustainable forestry (FSC certified). Our customer catalogue is printed in organic ink, made using renewable plant resources such as soya or linseed oil. Where do you see your brand in 5 years? And what are the biggest challenges on the roadmap? First of all, the biggest challenges lie within: logistical matters, cost increases, and interruptions in the supply chain. We want to continue to be a best-practice company. Our products have to be at the pinnacle – still transporting Blutsgeschwister details and outstanding design value. We will improve the life cycle of a product by different means – so we’re working on setting up a second-hand and preloved platform where customers can trade in their items that are still in good condition but no longer worn regularly. So, another person can be happy with a preloved item – that platform should launch in autumn 2023. Altogether, we aim and continue to be a true Love  brand.